viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

My favorite subject of this semester

Hi all! Today I will talk about my favorite subjects of this semester. The subject that I really like is "Mapuche"; first because the teacher is so kind and cool, he really interested in our learning. He is mapuche and his point of view is very interesting because he talk in first person about his culture and history.  The story about the mapuche always has been related and constructed by others like europeans and chileans persons. So, all the time, we talk about the mapuche from only one perspective. Is necessary listen and understand others perspectives about the mapuche and the"chilean history", above everything mapuche voices. Anyway, I love this class, so I try to be there all the time.

My second favorite subject is "Gender Anthropoly", because this subject makes you question many things about the way you see your life. The teachers of this class are very intelligent and interesting. The gender has been construct by society, defining gender roles and placing the women in a lower position. In addition there are others forms of oppression that crosses the gender, like class, race, age, etc.

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