viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017


I love pictures because I think that always can represent an important moment of your life, also help to not forget of beautiful moments with different people. However, I don't take pictures very often, but I like too much to observe the pictures that other people take.

Well, I like this photo because it reminds me beautiful moments with my friends of university.  This photo was taken by my boyfriend in Puerto Fuy, south of Chile. We were doing a fieldwork where we met many nice persons. In this way, we saw how many problems afflicted these people, and how no one paid attention to this being a small town. This event marked a before and after in our lives, and we increase the desire to be able to help the people with our profession.

This photo means a lot to me, because those women are the best friends that I could have. They are always there when I need them.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017


Well, I think is difficult talk about the drugs, because many things that are said about them are subjetives are social constructions of the people, and generally, people who don't have the certainty about what they talk or moralist people.
Many times, this people have some interests and hiddens intentions to say things about the drugs, because we can see how the government permit the disproportionate use of cigarette and alcohol, even though they are very dangerous for the health and have many others negatives consequences, for example: for the family ... So, what is the limit?
I think there are drugs that really cause negatives consequences in our body like addiction or physical and psychological dependence (cocaine, heroine, etc), but there are other drugs like cannabis that inclusive cause positives consequences for the human like emotional and physical well-being, relaxation and calm. Legal or ilegal, it's  very important to a parent and institutional education around these drugs like cannabis, so that way they can have a good use and future children won't have bad experiences.

martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

About technology

I think the technology is not only the laptops, smartphones, computers, etc.  The technology is everything modificated at the service of the human being: from a spoon for tea. However, the technology of this century and the end of the 20th century has had the characteristic that in a single object are fulfilled many functions: work, study, play, have fun, make friends, etc. This type of technology at the same time, is a good and bad thing, because is very useful but at the same time is very counterproductive for people who don't know control their use, or who can lose the ability to have relationships outside of a screen... Anyway, if I had to choose one as my favorite I would choose my cellphone, mainly because it serves to communicate more easily through whatssap or a call,  you can also surf on the internet. I think it's very useful when you need to communicate urgently with someone or you'll encounter with an other person...

I got a phone for first time ten years ago, when I was a child... Today, I would like to use the phone less and less , only for emergency calls, I don't like to feel dependent on this. Without the phone, I think it would be very difficult to communicate with other people because it's part of my normal life. The letters are no longer in use...maybe I would be even more unpunctual than I already am, or the other way around?...

A different anthropology

Hi all!  Today i'm going to talk about the curriculum of anthropology at the university of Chile. After some years, I realized the cur...